Leaving today

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Ariana POV

I'm leaving today and I'm still not a hundred percent of me and Justin. I remember again for my concert I'm gonna do a concert.

Justin: baby let's go

Me: yeah

We went to the concert so I could get ready Alex was begging me to be in it I told him one song beauty and a best and break free. I went gave him the party cloths and told him to change and to follow the boys dancer lead. I went in my place and we started Alex was having fun. I went and started sing yeahhh young money ariiiana justinnnnnnnn. That's when Justin singed his part it was a really good show. After the I took my prince while Alex had my princess.

Me: she's so cute

Alex: so you want more

Me: yeah I want another but there's one thing about that

Alex: what

Me: I feel like Justin is cheating

Alex: what if he wasn't

Me: we'll I know he wants to be a father but also have fun but since I was pregnant I haven't gone out he goes out the most once a week but if I want to hang with you alone I half to work with his and my schedule

Alex: wow

Me: yeah like he supposedly kiss two people and one of them I hate and the other was infront of my eyes like I don't know what to think

Alex: you know my doors are open for you

Me: this keeps on happening soon I'm gonna be a single mother

Alex: we'll she asleep

Me: yeah she's gonna wake up at night

Alex: wow

Me: yeah here give me jacky and I'll give you Justin

Alex: okay

I went put her in the play pin I went and order some pizza.

Alex: is it hard

Me: yeah like I'm learning but now I and to lead for a good example for my kids cause I love them

Alex: yeah

Then Justin jr started crying I went made him a warm bottle and fed him and that's when he went to bed.

Me: I order pizza buffalo cheese

Alex: how many you order

Me: 5 boxes

Alex: good cause the vining crew is coming they want to see the kids

Me: when

Then the vining crew came in.

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