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Justin POV

I went kissed Ari cheek

Me: baby give me a minute I got to call scooter

Ari: okay

Ariana POV

Me: something's up I'll be eight back I went follow Justin upstairs and listen to the door

Justin: hello stop texting me who are you...... stop calling me okay thank you okay and no I'm no the father of your kid....... okay leave me alone okay that baby that you didn't have ain't mine so leave me alone bye.

I went hide in the bathroom and then walked into the room.I went unlock his phone and saw this text.

From: ????

To: Justin

Hey baby what are you doing ❤❤ I love you

I looked at the door to see Justin

me: I love you baby I won't hurt you wow I was so stupid to think you would like me

Justin: I don't like you I love you

Justin POV

I love Ariana I don't want her to know I love her to know I'm faithful to her that I'll never ever ever cheat or any thing like that onnher cause I love her I'm not that type and she's knows that but she overwhelmed. With everything that been happening lately.

Ari': why am I even here

Me: cause you know I love you

Ari: look at this the text clears up everything how long

Me: how long what

Ari: how long you cheated on me

Me: never

Ari: I don't know

Me: baby look through my phone I swear I never ever cheated in you

Ari: who were you talking to Justin 

Me: um she's back and she's not gonna stop

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