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Ariana POV

Me: bye

I sat on the bed and cried while Justin grabbed the kids. This is a big fight for us so I want Justin to pick between me and the models. Then while I was crying some came and hugged me. It was Alex and Brent which made me cry more.

Brent: what happen

Me: Justin looked me in the eye and lied and we aren't talking

Brent: I'm sorry

Me: maybe this is for the best maybe I got to raise them own my own

Alex: you will never raise these kids alone cause you have all of us

Me: thanks

Brent: Alex how about you stay over with Ari

Me: brent you too

Brent: okay

Me: juli come here baby

Julianna walked to me and gave me a bunch of kisses I smiled she's just like her dad. I went and started tickling her like crazy her dimples were showing and it was so cute.

Destorm: what's wrong Ari

Me: I'm good

Destorm: Justin

Me: yeah

Destorm: let's go for a walk

Me: okay

Destorm: brent come on

Me: why Brent

Destorm: cause I took his car here

Me: oh

We went downstairs and told everyone it was a cold blue which mean that person is sad about something and we need a few hours to calm that person down. Everyone said okay we went into the car and went D house.

Destorm: I'm going to be right back I got to get a few things Brent keep Ari happy

Brent: okay

Once D left brent looked at me and smiled I know he going to tickle me so I ran upstairs to D bedroom. Brent went and started tickling then we looked into each other's eyes and we just kissed and I couldn't stop it.

Brent POV

I looked into Ari eyes and started kissing her I'm in love with her but she's in love with Justin and Justin in love with her and Sophie. Like honestly I could love her the right way but she doesn't love me. Ariana looked at me and I looked at her like we know what just happen.

Me: I'm sorry

Ari: don't be I kinda like it brent when I meet you I had a crush in you

Me: I had a crush on you too

Ari: what are we going to do

Me: I don't know

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