What is it Justin

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Justin POV

Ari: what happen

Me: nick thinks it's better if we don't do a tour since you are pregnant

Ari: I don't care I'm doing this tour this is my last tour before I become a mommy

Me: I know and that's what I told him

Ari: Can we go get some food

Me: okay

Ari: um me and Demi are gonna hang

Me: as long as conceited isn't there

Ari: okay

Me: here some chickfila I bought you two sandwiches and some nugget nd a drink and the same for Demi and I bought my self the same

Ari: thank you

Me: baby I trust you

Ari: I trust you to but if I see you near "her"

It's Jasmine because she think jasmines more pretty than her but that's bs. Like she's a friend we broke up for a reason. But I'm Jasmine friend if she need me I'm here. I went dropped of Ariana and I was driving home when Jasmine called.

Me: he'll

Jas: hey um I was wondering if you can come over

Me: what happen you sound like your crying

Jas: yeah

Me: I'll be there

I went drove to her house. She rarely cry so this half to be big.

Me: hey

Jas: hi

Me: what happen

Jas: why

Me: you look like you were crying

Jas: I was watching a movie

Me: okay

Jas: come in

Me: what's up

Jas: we haven't hung out in a while

Me: yeah

Ariana POV

I went on Instagram to see Jasmine posted a picture of her snuggling with my man

Me: Demi look

Demi: you can stay here for a while

Me: can you drive me to my house

Demi: let's go

When we got to my house Demi helped me pack when I got almost everything of mine. We went to her house we put my bag in the living room for now.

Me: the thing was I told him I don't want him with her cause I have a bad feeling and I told him if he goes to her house think whose more important me or her and now I know

Demi: look maybe getting married at this age wasn't the best

Me: yeah but right now I don't know

Demi: Justin at the door

I open the door and looked at Justin

Justin: hey baby

Me: no Justin I know where Me and your kids stand we are 2nd

Justin: what you mean

Me: I think you need time to figure out where you at before you can have a wife and kids

Justin: what happen

Me: go through Twitter your trending

Justin: what

Me: bye

I went and close the door and walked away and sat on the couch and cried to Demi. If you weren't ready for a kid say it.

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