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Brent POV

Me and rose clicked when I first meet her we were always playing together so I'm gonna tell you how we started dating. It was 10 years ago Rose was 18 I decided to take rose out to this club and we were having a good time. I smiled and kissed her. We went to my place and no one was there so we locked the door and went to my room and started making out. And Then me and rose cuddle up and went to bed. When we woke up the next morning me and rose looked at each other remember what happen last night.

Me: rose

Rose: yeah

Me: rose I really like you and I want you to be my girl

Rose: how about one date then you asked me

Me: im gonna pick you up at 7

Rose: okay where we going

Me: ain't saying

It's 6:30 rose went to her house and got ready I went and got ready. I'm taking rose some where she like and then I got a surprise that my friends are setting up. I went got rose and started driving rose was asking me where we were. I wasn't going to tell her so she got mad. I went and got off the car and took her inside.

Rose: bowling alley

Me: I know you like bowling so I rented this place out for us

Rose: thank you

After two hours of playing rose beat me in bowling so right after I took her to the beach. We went and she saw the heart in the sand it's valentines day so I wanted it to be special for her. I have a big teddy bear flowers roses chocolate.

Me: rose happy valentine

Rose: awww

Me: I love you

Rose: I love you too

Me: will you be my girl

Rose: yes

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