Dad's note

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Justin POV

I went took the not and put the note in my pocket. I went up to Jazzy and she didn't really understand what was going on.

Me: baby girl

jazzy: yes

Me: can I take you to Disney land for tomorrow

Jazzy: yea

Me: okay

I went carried her to Ariana and Jaxon.

Me: baby would you like to go to Disney land

Ariana: I would love to

Me: and we need to talk about the wedding in the kitchen

Ariana: Alfredo can you watch the,

Alfredo: sure

I went to Ariana's hand upstairs to the bedroom. I went open the door and close it.

Me: baby

Ariana: what

Me: look at this

Ariana: what

Me: this I mean my dad died and now jazzy and Jaxon half to be raised by us

Ariana: baby it's okay look do you love me

Me: yea of course

Ariana: so trust me when I say that everything's gonna get better

Me: okay baby girl

Ariana: so baby should we wait until next year

Me: baby it's okay I want to

Ariana: okay baby and I know who should walk me down the thing

Me: who

Ariana: either Jaxon cause it suppose to be a guy or Pattie

Me: that would be so cute

Ariana: baby we should probably start packing the kids things for tomorrow

Me: sure

~few minutes later ~

Me and Ari finished up and went downstairs to get the kids since the party finished. I went sat down on the couch.

Ari: baby I got to take this

Me: yes

Ariana POV

Me: hello

Carlos: hey

Me: what's up

Carlos: well I'm going home and packing up and  getting ready to sell my house

Me: thanks good

Carlos: I might ask her to date me

Me: you better

Carlos: bye

Me: bye

I went clicked end when I did I got another call

Me: hello

Becky: hey girl

Me: what's up

Becky: nothing but when you guy come back from Disney I want to take you shopping with Jazzy

Me: yes sure boo

Becky: okay but I got to go

Me: bye

I went to inside and saw Justin

Justin: is everything okay

Me: yes baby

Justin: well we got 7 more months

Me: I can't wait to say I do

Justin: me too

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