I'm back Justin

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Justin POV

I turned around to see Sophie she ran and gave me a hug. I thought she was dead

Sophie: Justin 7 to almost 8 years but I finally get to see you you

Me: yeah

Sophie: whose these three

Me: this is jazzy

Sophie: wasn't your dad wife pregnant and want to the girl jazzy

Me: yeah this is her this is Jaxon and this jacky

Sophie: there all so cute

Jacky: daddy

Me: yeah

Jacky: who she

Me: she's a friend baby

Sophie: how have it been

Me: good then okay

Sophie: why

Me: my dad and his wife died to basically I'm basically all they got left

Sophie: that's so sad

Ari: baby

Me: yeah

Ari: look what rose and Justin made

Me: ohh and it look like they been eating

Rose: yeah

Ari: I took some pictures

Me: awwww

Ari: who this

Me: Sophie Sophie this is Ariana Ariana Sophie

Ari: nice to meet you

Me: baby are you guys going to bowl

Ari : yeah

Me: we'll I guess we are going to make cupcakes

Ari: okay don't let her eat a lot let her eat one now and one for later

Me: okay

Me and the kids went to bake cupcakes and about 10 minutes in the Sophie walks in and smile.

Sophie: hey Justin

Me: hey Sophie

The kids was making there cupcakes while me and Sophie talked I went and put it in the oven and put the kids in the play area.

Sophie: what happen

Me: I thought you died so I didn't of looking for you

Sophie: oh

Me: yeah it's good to see you

Sophie: who was she

Me: after I thought you died your stalker said if I didn't dated her my and your family will die so two years later I meet ari and we

Sophie: and you guys are dating but Justin we need to have fun

Justin: yeah

Sophie: so how long you and your girlfriend been together

Justin: 4 years

Sophie: are you guy going to

Justin: were are already married

Sophie: do you have any kids

Justin: yes one adopted kid 3 of our own and my brother and sister

Sophie: oh you know for 6 years I haven't dated no one

Justin: why

Sophie : I still love you but now I know your happy

Justin: yeah like after what happen with you I talk to ari and she reminded me of you and it was the best she made me believe in love again

Sophie: I'm happy for you

Justin: give me a second

I went took out the cupcakes and gave it too the kids.

Sophie: here my number maybe we can hang Tonight

Justin: yeah me and you like old times

Sophie: here my number just text me

Justin: I will

Sophie: bye

Justin: bye

So Sophie left and me and Ariana played for an hour then we got home and I look to it was 10. Me and ari agree that I put the kids to bed and I could go out.

Me: bye baby

Ari: what time you coming home

Me: I'm gonna sleep over my friends house

Ari: okay baby I love you be safe

Me: okay I love baby girl bye

Ari: bye

I went to pick up Sophie she went to the driver seat and started. She taking me somewhere.

Me: Sophie where we going

Sophie: wait we're almost there

Me: fine

When were go there we were at the club me and her went inside and got some shot and started dancing. And got some more shots we later decided to go to her house. We put on a movie I wasn't drunk but she was. She was saying so much things and she said she was jealous of ari. The a kiss part came on the tv and she was trying to make out with me I got up and left. I went to my house I walked in and went to my bed to see ari with the kids all of them. I smiled and took a picture. I went and fell asleep on the couch.

Ariana POV

I woke up and made breakfast and on my way down stairs I saw Justin sleep on the couch. I went kissed his lips and cook the normal. I woke up the kids and they all went downstairs and woke up Justin he smiled and kissed the kids then me I gave him his breakfast then I gave the kids there breakfast. We all eat breakfast and I got the kids ready jazzy Jaxon and the twin plus rose all have audition. So I got the kids ready and we went to the audition. Rose, Jazzy, and Jaxon are signing up for a few shows. and the twins are singing up for about 3 of them and I'm bring the baby to be by my side plus in love to dress her up. she's only 5 months but ifs so fun it's like when jacky was born. So first audition is for the 3 oldest it's for a show call all that.

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