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Jennifer POV

~7 years ago~

I was at this photoshoot I was getting dressing in this nice outfit. I smiled as I said I loved it to my stylist and make girl I hugged them and we took a picture together. I left the room to see this hot puerto hes smilies at me and took the camera. He's the photographer but he's cute I smiled as I posed. He put his hands on my hips position me to help with the picture. When he put his hands on my hips I felt sparks. So I had fun cause the guys was hands on. When we finished I Me and the photographer were the last one to leave.

Me: hey thanks for the photoshoot

Him: yeah

Me: how you think it went

Him: good so good I wanted to know if you can come with me as my date tomorrow to my cousin wedding

Me: yeah but I don't know you name and I want you to come with me to award show the next day

Him: alfredo and yeah

Me: here my number and its a date

I smiled as I kissed him and I said goodnight alfredo.

Alfredo: goodnight baby

I woke up the next day and put on this pink dress. I smiled it's short but I love it. I smiled as I got a text from alfredo.

Alfredo~ Goodmornin babygirl 😘😍

Me~ Goodmornin bae when are you going to pick me up ????

Alfredo~ I'll be there in an hour 😁

Me~ okay baby I'll be waiting I can't wait

Alfredo~ I know me too your gonna look beautiful like alway

Me~ thanks baby

Alfredo~ bye

Alfredo picked me up and we went to the wedding and it was fun I had a good time with alfredo and his family his cousin said that would be us on day but I didn't mine it much but 7 years later she was right

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