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Ariana POV

Today's our day off so Justin want to take us out but I don't want to leave the kids. We are in Atlanta by the way.

Justin: baby go

Me: I don't want to leave them

Justin: it's okay baby

Me: okay

I went got ready while Justin got ready and he said he's picking out my outfit. when I was done I put on this hat blue shirt some jeans and some sneakers. Justin told me to curl my hair so I did and put on the hat that he gave me. I also put on some earrings and I was done.

Justin: wear you hat backwards

Me: okay baby

I look to see we were wearing the same outfit. I smiled to see Justin hugged me and to fix my hat how I had it before. He went and kissed me as we got the kids ready and went to pattie house with Jazzy Jaxon Jacky and Justin Jr.

Jaxon: why can't I come

Me: because it's for big people

Jaxon: aww

Jazzy: are we going to patties house

Me: yeah

We went dropped the kids by patties house and went to usher to give him and scooter the kids. After that we went and drove to where ever. We went on a picnic. I went sat down while we eat talked about everything and going on a date 3 times a month.

Justin: let's go

Me: okay

We went walking hand and hand to the beach. When the pap came it's nothing new but I tried to ignore.

Justin: no I don't like Ariana I love her

He went went and kissed me but passionately. After the kissed he put one arm around my waist and we started walking. We went to the car and drove off.

Me: wear we going

Justin: secret baby

Me: ughh

Justin: you love my secret

Me: true

Justin: we almost here

We went and Justin made stay with my legs apart.

Me: what

Justin: your in too places at once

Me: what you mean

Justin: your in Georgia and Florida at the same time

Me: oh my god

Justin: I know how you always wanted to be in two places at once

Me: thank you

Justin: we'll it's getting late we should go home

Me: is usher and your mom okay with watching the kids

Justin: yea baby that are perfectly fine

Me: okay

We went back home listening to music. Me and Justin were holding hands the whole way home. When we got home I went and kissed his lips. Justin went and took me inside were he went and took a picture of us and me alone and him alone. I smiled as we were having fun. I love him so much.

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