Alex's hurt

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Ariana POV

Me: doctors what's wrong with him

Doctor: he's seriously injured

Me: is he gonna be okay

Doctor: yes but he needs some rest

Me: okay

Doctor: I suggest you go home go to sleep and then in the morning you come to see him

Me: okay

Justin: hey baby

Me: umm do you want to come back home

Justin: yeah are we together

Me: yeah

Justin: yessss let's go

Me: Nash are you gonna sleep over

Nash: nah I'm about to go home

Me: okay

Me and Justin went home holding hand and hand. When we got home I put all the kids to sleep.

Justin: so was this suppose to happen with your life

Me: yeah

I went and kiss Justin and cuddled up with him. Later on that I might I woke up from a phone I look to see it said Justin or should we call you by your real name Jason we need our stuff now!!!. Then there was another text Jason you better give us our drugs now or we'll just kidnap your princess. Then there was a third message Jason how about we take both your old princess and you new princess Ariana and Sophie.

Me: Justin baby wake up

Justin: hey baby girl what happen

Me: nothing baby

Justin: we'll you want to make breakfast with me

Me: sure Jason

Justin: let's go

Me: okay

While me and Justin were making breakfast I was so mad when we were done Justin and I sat down we looked at each other.

Me: so when were you planning on tell me you name is Jason

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