Justin's Birthday

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Ariana POV

It's been 3 months since I wrote sorry umm nothing really to tell me and Justin had our baby shower bought the baby things. But Today's Justin's birthday so I'm gonna take him out and pretend to be sick for his surprise. I went got ready curled my hair put on my dress it's red about up to my knee my stomach is huge about 3 months ago you couldn't even tell but know you could tell it looks like I have a bouncy house. Anyway I went and put on flats and finished up my make up and went downstairs .

Me: ready for this date

Justin: yeah

Me: ugh I'm so fat

Justin: your not fat you got kids baby plus I don't care I love you for you

Me: when I give birth we are haven't kids for a while

Justin: I want 20

Me: no you aren't the one that half to pop them out

Justin: I'm kidding I want 2-4

Me: good same side

Justin: so 2 more moths

Me: I can't waits

Justin: let's go baby

Me: okay

Justin: where we going

Me: your favorite restaurant

Justin: out house

Me: no Justin

Justin: I'm kidding baby are they kicking

Me: yes there dieing to get out

Justin: I want to hold Justin Jr. and Jordan

Me: yes I know

Justin: baby I was nice of my mom to take Jazzy and Jaxon off the day

Me: I know and they love the new house

Justin: can you blame them

Me: no baby

Justin: yeah

Me: so honestly answer me this question

Justin: sure

Me: your 22 and I was wondering if we weren't together like you know we never dated what would you have done today

Justin: maybe have party I don't know I just can't picture life without you

Me: aww

Justin: you

Me: maybe I would have spent time with Frankie and made music

Justin: you want to make music last year

Me: I know

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