Baby girl

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Ariana POV

We were sitting around listen to Justin's music when we heard something.

Justin: baby girl I'm sorry I love you

Me: Justin

Justin went blinked his eye and slowly sat up waved me to sit next to him.

Me: how you feel

Justin: better your here

Me: aww

I went and hit him at his chest.

Me: you could have died

Justin: I didn't want to live with out you I love you I thought you didn't love me

Me: I'll always love no matter how mad I am but don't kill your self then I want to kill myself so is it worth taking three other life

Justin: I'm sorry

Me: it's okay but one question

Justin: what

Me: why were you with her what is it that bad you half to go to your ex

Justin: no she called me crying and we were friend I went to her house she said her boyfriend broke up do I hugged her

Me: ok

Justin: when can I leave

Me: now

Justin: okay

We went home Pattie said she'll take the kids cause we both need our rest. when we went inside I stopped Justin

Justin: yeah baby

Me: I moved back in okay I'm scared to ask what did you break

Justin: the guest room

Me: the glass

Justin: a window

Me: Justin

Justin: I'm sorry let's me make it up to you

Me: what are you gonna do

Justin: something special tomorrow ill cancel dance

Me: okay

Justin: baby trust me

Me: I do

Justin: okay let's go to bed

Me: okay

We went to our bed and cuddled and went to sleep.

Justin POV

I woke up to see it was 8 I went downstairs and made pancakes eggs toast bacon a lot of bacon some orange juice. I went and woke up Ariana she smile eat breakfast and got ready I'm take her out today. She went curled her hair put on a crop top and high waisted shorts. I went and took her to the studio And started singing my next album which is for her that while album.

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