Off to Disney

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Ariana POV

I went grab the paper today I'm gonna read it on the plane, I went grab the lung with Justin and we put them in the car. Me and Justin got the kids ready and drove off to the airport. When we got on the plane jazzy and Jaxon fell asleep. I went on the couch looking at the magizne it showed Justin and Becky kissing each other right then Justin tried to touch me.

Me: don't touch me

Justin: baby why

Me: look at this

Justin: I swear to god baby that I never kiss her

I heard someone cry I went to the kids room to see it was Jaxon.

Me: hey Jaxon

Jaxon: I hwved a bwad drweam

Me: aww baby come on we can watch a movie

Jaxon: okay

Justin: baby

Me: Jaxon stay here

Jaxon: ok

Me: yea Justin

Justin: I know your man but can you give at least 10 minutes to prove myself

Me: yea 10

Justin went sat me down and started to sing to me my favorite song other than his which is ride by Somo. Omg he know how I feel about this song I started to smile and blush a lot. Justin went and started to kiss my cheek and he told me how much he loves me and stuff.

Justin: baby girl I really really do love you I never ever want to hurt you

Me: why were you with her

Justin: we were talking about doing a song together

Me: oh okay baby I'm sorry

Justin POV

I couldn't tell Ari why I was with her or else she would know I don't know what she would do I'm waiting to tell her I hope she's happy. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kiss her lips. I went and took her to the room with Jaxon while I watch Jazzy.

Jazzy: Justin

Me: yea

Jazzy: are you and Ariana gonna get married

Me: yes yes we are

Jazzy: yea

Me: do you love her

Jazzy: yea she's like a sister to me

Ari: I love you too

Jazzy: Ariana

Ari: jazzy

Jazzy: I love you

Ari: I love you too

Ariana POV

All of a sudden jazzy started shaking like crazy

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