Remake of the first

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Justin POV

Ariana: I love you so much

Me: do you forgive me

Ariana Justin sorry

Me: okay

Ariana: it's just like I trust you not her and I want to make sure you married to me not cause I'm pregnant cause you love me

Me: I'm not like my dad I won't wake out and if you do or don't I'm gonna be there for them

Ariana: yeah

Me: yeah

Ariana: good

Me: we'll it's time to go

Ariana: more surprises

Me: yeah

Ariana: okay

I went and took her to location 4 which is the beach. I went gave her a bathing suit I had mine underneath. she went and change in the back of the car. when she was done she hoped out of the car and smiled I went carried her to the water and went underwater. She smiled and playfully hit me. I went and kiss her we played in the waters for 20 minutes and we went and laid on the blanket in the sand. I went grabbed another towel and wrapped it around Ariana.

Ariana: it's so beautiful

Me: what you

Ariana: no the sky

Me: yeah

Ariana: your so stupid

Me: you are to cause you married this stupid

Ariana: yeah I did

Me: so do you still want to marry me

Ariana: maybe

Me: maybe

Ariana: I'll tell you later

Me: fine I could wait

Ariana: we'll you half to

Me: so baby when was the last time we moved

Ariana: I moved in 2 years ago

Me: what if we moved

Ariana: yeah not to big

Me: I know perfect size

Ariana: okay let me think

Me: okay

Ariana: baby

Me: yeah

Ariana: umm baby it's for the best we a repost the tour

Me: no

Ariana: your hand

Me: it's nothing

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