She's back

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Ariana POV

Me: which one

Justin: you know who

Me: it can't be she's suppose to be dead

Justin: she's a vampire the don't die baby

Me: we'll she's not touch my kids

Justin: baby calm

Me: no you calm

Justin: please

Me: how do you know she's alive

Justin: a friends okay she saw Selena

Me: she will die before she touches any of my kids

Justin: I know baby I'm not sure how to play this

Me: kill her why are we standing here

Justin: baby wait

Me: fine I'll be upstairs protecting my kids

Justin: baby wait I'm sorry

Me: we been in this together and now you want to do this along what happen to us against the world

Justin: baby she might have had a kid okay

Me: what was it with Frankie

Justin: maybe

Me: oh my god and that's suppose to be my niece no no

Justin: I'm not sure

Me: no

Justin: maybe Frankie's still alive but a vampire

Me: what

Justin: that maybe why he was with Selena sticking by her side

Me: why

Justin: ur brother sired to Selena

Me: what is it

Justin: that mean what ever Selena wants he will do it

Me: what

Justin: yeah so we half to kill her but not him

Me: fine.

Justin: oh she's at the park

Me: I'm calling Alex

Justin: okay

I called Alex he said he'll be here. I hugged him and went with justin to the park when we got there I saw Frankie and Selena and a little girl.

Me: Frankie

Selena: ewe

Me: what

Selena: you

Me: let's fight

Selena: I have more class than you

Me: I wi kill you and not think about it for a second you tried to kill me

Selena: boo hooo okay

Me: yeah

I went and grabbed her arm and looked her in eye and use my super speed and took her to abounded house.

Me: I'll do it

Selena: do it rip out my heart

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