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Justin's POV

Ariana left but didn't come back it's been two days I hope nothing band happens I went to the police station gave them a piece of hair I got from her brush. I'm worried Ari baby I just want you home in my arms where you belonged. Then I got a call I hoped it was Ari I went and picked it up

Me: hello

????: hey Justin

Me: whose this

???: umm this is the guy from csi I was wondering if you want to do another episode but this time your Jason's twin brother that nobody new about and you want to get back at people what do you say

Me: umm not right now cause I'm busy but I will call you back

???: okay Justin


I woke my head was killing me i got up went to the bathroom did my normal routine. When I finished I went downstairs eat some breakfast. When I finished I went and watched tv then someone put there arm around my waist I looked over to see Jason wow. I can't wait to leave but yet I don't cause I'm away from the fame but I'm starting to like Jason. What's gonna happen like I fell wrong for kissing him but it feels so right.

Jason: good morning babe

Me: good morning

Jason: so do you want to be lazy today

Me: yes

Jason: okay

I smiled like it's been four years of work work work work. Then Jason went and started kissing my neck for a few minutes. I went upstairs to the bathroom to check my neck and ran down stairs.

Me: Jason MCcann you gave me a hickey

Jason: I know

Me: why

Jason: I don't know but oh we'll it will heel

Me: oh my god I hate

Jason: no you don't

Me: yea I don't

I went and laid back down while he keep on kiss the hickey I didn't care. After we finished watching tv Jason went to cook dinner. While he was cooking I went and started kissing his neck until he got a hickey. Hey he did it to me I'm gonna do it to him he's starting to trust me I could leave soon.

Justin POV

I've been looking for Ari for a while. Me Usher my mom Chaz Ryan and Scooter has been looking for her. Im not gonna lie but everyday she been gonna I've cried cause I miss her.

Jason POV

Me and Ari were chilling but then she went upstairs to change of these sweats. When she came back she was wearing shorts. Well it is summer so I guess thats why she changed but before she sat down I went took her hand and lead her upstairs and gave her a crop top. That shows her stomach that's better. She so beautiful why can't she be mine. But she's with Justin I just want them to break up like I want her. I'm falling for her and I can't stop.

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