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Rachel POV

I drove back to the party to get jays side of the story on what happen. As I walked backstage I went to the first dressing room I saw as I open the door I look to see Jay and Miley kissed I was hurt mad upset everything rolled up in one how could he do this to me. I loved him more than anything and he does this to me. I kinda of knew he had feels for Miley but I didn't want to admit it cause if I did I knew he didn't feel the same way about me as I did to him. But anyways Jay looked at me so did Miley as I open the door I could help but cry and run I ran to the closest dress room and sat on the couch and cried. I was balling in tears I couldn't help it but few inches way was Jay. Jay sat next to me with his arm around my shoulder I just cried more.

Jay: look I didn't mean for this happen and if I did wanted to date her I wouldn't of done this to you

Me: you love her more than me don't you

Jay: I love you but like family I had feelings for Miley like6 years ago but when I ment you I could help it I thought I was in love with you but I love you like a sister like a bestfriend

Me: oh so was his whole relationship a lie

Jay: no I really did care for you no of it was fake

Me: oh

Jay: smile

Me: fine but sister and brother

Jay: forever

Me: and always

Jay: I promise

Me: okay but I'm gonna talk to Miley real quick but Jay ask her out infront of everyone so she knows how you feel

Jay: you sure

Me: yeah

Jay: okay

I went and walked to Miley's dressing room to see her crying like how I was earlier. I went up to her and hugged her.

Miley: I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen Rachel it just did

Me: I know me and Jay are friends good friends but today's your day now let me help you get ready

I helped Miley put on her make up then I helped her with her dress shoes crown and jewelry. She was beautiful and I think when she looked in the mirror she felt beautiful.

Me: come on let party you only turn 15 once so make it count

Miley: okay

When me and Miley left the room to see Justin. Justin took her to the party and I smiled at then they belong together

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