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Justin POV

I went push Ariana down and a I went down two. I look up to see no it cant be.

Me: Maria

Maria: yes

Me: weren't you in jail

Maria: yeah I got out

Me: what do you want

Maria: her out of he pic and you help me with your new son

Me: I can't raise a kid that's not mine we took the test okay it's not mind

Maria: fine I can't kill you I'm just a girl so I rather him kill Ariana

Me: what

Maria: drake bell

Ariana: what

I ran over to Ariana and picked her up and started running. We ran to the car I put her in her seat and drove off home. While we were driving shoots were fire .

Me: Ariana get down here take my jacket and hide your self

Ari: what about you

Me: nothing baby just do it I would rather die than lie with out you

We went got home I went lock there doors and walk over to Ariana and sat down with her and cuddle and sang to her.

Me: baby when they are in jail we will be okay

Ari: I'm not sure how long I could do this this isn't normal

Me: we can't be normal we both choose the life and no matter who you date everyone one wants to see you fall they want to see me fall

Ari: but I love too much I don't want you to get hurt

Me: I will be okay if your not with me what's the point our love is stronger than anything yeah yeah this ain't normal what is what's normal in your life we been through worst to be here

Ari: yea

Me: hey your brother Selena and Jai aren't our probably we are done with them okay yeah Maria and drake bell is a crazy fan but you know I want to be marry before I have kids and I want that person to be you

Ari: aww wait how about this when you go one Jimmy answer the question and pretend we broke up because everyone got to use and we are still really close friends

Me: yeah I'm on there tomorrow

Ari: good

Me: good night baby

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