I'm in love with you

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Conceited POV

After Ariana went on her plane I went called my friend James.

James: what

Me: I meet my old friend and I'm in love with her again

James: what's her name

Me: Ariana

James: last name

Me: grande

James: the famous girl

Me: yeah I want to date her but she's dating Justin Bieber

James: yea

Me: why does that dude get everything the money the girls the free passes like wow

James: he's a cool guy

Me: you know him

James: yeah and Ariana

Me: what

James: yea

Me: what am I'm gonna do like I know she my soul mate like wolfs can feel it

James: yea

Me: what am I'm gonna do

James: dude I need to stop you

Me: why

James: thats my sister

Me: no she aint

James: yea she is and we can go over there and ask her

Me: so she's your twin

James: no

Me: are you ever gonna find her

James: I hope

Me: so is she a werewolf

James: yeah

Me: give me a second

I went and text Ariana

Me: hey Ariana

Ariana: hey :)

Me: so I know your a werewolf

Ariana: what

Me: Ariana I know your a werewolf don't play dumb with me

Ariana: I'm not

Me: is Justin a sleep

Ariana: yeah

Me: go to the close store

Ariana: OK

Me: James I will be back

James: I'm coming to

Me: okay

We went and ran to Ariana James his while I stopppes her.

Ariana: hey

Me: I know what you are

Ariana: what you mean

Me: your a werewolf

Ariana: I'm sorry no

James: Ariana tell him

Ariana: James

James: hey baby sis

Ariana: hey

James: he's one of us

Ariana: yes I am

Me: how long

Ariana: a few week

Me: James you but the dang girl

James: well I was on my diet and I couldn't take it so I bit the first thing I saw

Ariana: its okay really but umm James are you coming home

James: yes

Ariana had this crazy look in her eyes. James went picked her up and ran to the forest.

Me: what's up

James: she's hungry and if people she her like this then we are exposed

Me: I'm gonna look for food

Ariana: stay

James: I'll get it

Ariana: it hurts

Me: listen don't think about the pain its gonna get better

Ariana: its hurts

Me: its shouldn't hurt you should be hungry

Ariana: its down there

Me: what

James: here drink it

Ariana did as told but she still had that pain look in her face I just wanted to hold her and tell her everything was going to be alright but I can't.

James: Ariana does it still hurt

Ariana: yes

James: there's something wrong

Ariana: what's wrong

James: are you pregnant

Ariana: no I'm still a virgin

James: no no no

Me: what's up

James: I think she's dieing

Me: why are we standing here

James: we can't do anything for her

Me: This is gonna hurt

Ariana: what

Me: bit me

James: dont do this man

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