I'm dying

259 13 1

Ariana POV

Conceited: Ariana do it and remember I love you like a sister

James: I don't want no oh yall to die

Mom: do it to me

James: mom your pregnant

Mom: I'm not

James: you gave birth

Mom: yes here's Bella

James: mom no

Mom: my baby has a wonderful guy she isn't gonna die on me now no she can't

James: I love you

Mom: Ariana bit me

I did as my mom said to do and in a few seconds Ariana was okay.

Me: Bella

Mom: ariana or James take care of your brother and sisters

James: we will

Me: mom I love you

Mom: baby I'll be back soon we can only die for a short amount of time

Me: see you later

Mom: bye

Me: she ain't coming back

James: I'm sorry

Me: no

James: it okay

Me: give me Bella I'm taking her home where she belongs

James: okay

Me: so. who do you take

James: Luke

Me: then I will take Chantal

James: it doesn't half to be this way

Me: my mom just died I want to go home

James: Ari

Me: leave me alone

James: I can't

Me: why

James: cause I'm feel the same pain you are your my twin I feel the same pain you do

Me: I got to go

James: please please let's make the best of what we got okay I'm gonna live next door with the kids okay I'm moving in the house

Me: yea for them but now I got to explain to the word this is my brother and are kids now I already got Jazzy and jaxon

James: there not your blood

Me: I know but that's all Justin got this is all u got okay me and him are having the worst year

James: I know

Me: okay you don't even know half of it I got kidnap about 2 times almost raped okay so don't start with me

James: Ari I didn't know

Me: nobody's knows

James: I'm sorry

Me: I got to.go its cold

James: bye

Me: bye Chantal we half to go

Chantal: okay

I went walked onside and just came and hugged me

Justin: baby where were you been

Me: I had to drink blood

Justin: you been crying

Me: my mom Justin died

Justin: baby

Me: its okay but this is Chantal

Justin: oh hey Chantal

Chantal: hi

Me: this is Bella

Justin: where James

Me: dealing with Luke he was kind of upset

Justin: baby tomorrow you got to be on Ellen

Me: I'm going with all of you

Justin: what

Me: there gonna think I gave birth but I'm gonna tell them my mom died

Justin: baby I'm here for you and I support you

Me: thank you

Justin: Chantal are you tired or hungry.

Chantal: tired

Justin: you can sleep with Jazzy she has a extra bed okay

Chantal: thank you

Justin: anytime

Me: baby

Justin: yes

Me: we have had the worst year

Justin: yes but its also good we got Bella here you got a brother me and you are together about to get married

Me: August 18

Justin: yep cause when we first meet

Me: yep

Justin: baby its okay at the end of the bad my mom your brother scooter Alfredo could help us

Me: yea

Justin: baby pretty soon we are gonna have are own kid and name him after me and name her after who

Me: Pattie

Justin: okay baby

Me: um let's go to sleep

Justin: okay

I went put Bella between us I went kiss Justin on his lips.💜💜💜

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