First Christmas with Mrs. Bieber

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Justin POV

I woke up to smell food I want down stairs to see Ari cooking. I went wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek.

Me: merry Christmas

Ari: merry Christmas

Me: what's my surprise

Ari: you got to wait

Me: aww

Ari: i want to tell you but I want breakfast first

Me: okay fine

Ari: I'll be right back I told Alfredo to text me when he want me to pick him up can you keep make breakfast I'm really hungry today

Me: okay baby

Ariana POV

I went and drove to Alfredo's house I went jump out the car. I look to see wubbzy I went ran too him and kiss his for head.

Me: I missed you so much

Wubbzy: where have you been

Me: with my husband

Wubbzy: no you werent cause you wasn't with me

Me: yeah my other husband

Wubbzy: oh

Me: yeah I love you to

Wubbzy: me to

Me: Alfredo

I went ran to Alfredo he went and spinned me around.

Me: merry Christmas

Alfredo: merry Christmas sis

Me: you guys are ready

Wubbzy: yeah

we went hopped in the car and went back to my house.

Justin POV

I went continue to make breakfast. I went on twitter. @justinbieber merry Christmas to all my beliebers @justinbieber my first Christmas with Mrs.Bieber @justinbieber I love all you beliebers you are my life with out I wouldn't be here today I love you forever. I went upstairs and got Ariana's present its already wrapped up. I went put it on the table. When I finished Ariana came in with wubbzy and Alfredo.

Me: hey

Alfredo: hey

Ariana: aww

Me: so you hungry bro

Alfredo: we already eat

Me: well wubbzy do you know how to read

Wubbzy: yeah

Me: go try to find your gift

Wubbzy: yeah

Alfredo: I love him

Ariana: well here your gift

Alfredo: a new camera

Ariana: yes but its better than your old one plus we need to take picture of our life us 3

Me: well baby here yours

Ariana: omg

Alfredo: what is it

Ariana: its a picture of us three when we first meet when I first meet just and when I first meet you too thank you Justin I love it

Justin: baby I love you

Ari: um this is for Justin but Alfredo you can look to

I went open it to look up at Ariana.

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