Bye Carlos

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James POV

I'm sick of Carlos I know that kid wants something but what I don't know. Went and hid in his house and heard him talking to some one. I got my phone on record if he says something good

Carlos: babe Ariana ain't nothing please she's ugly and worthless I'm waiting to get close enough to take the kids money

I went and started beating him up I was beating him until I saw blood. I went pick him up and pinned him against the wall.

Me: so you think your just gonna take a 6 day year old money huh

I went and slammed his head against the wall again

Me: I'm talking to you

Carlos: no

Me: you can either die the easy way or hard way

Carlos: easy way

Me: okay hard way

I went to the woods and started sucking the blood and when I was do I took a knife and stabbed him to death. I went to Ariana.

Me: what's up

Ariana: me and Justin got 42 days left for our wedding so we are leaving tomorrow with the kids and getting ready with the tables and stuff the cake me sure everything's perfect

Me: what's the colors

Ariana: well me and Justin favorite color is purple and we were both wearing purple when we meet so its gonna be purple and white

Me: nice

Ariana: yes and I got a huge surprise for him

Me: what is it

Ariana: I can't say

Me: fine

Then the door open it was Justin Ariana went to him and he went picked her up and spinner her around and kiss him there so cute together.

Ariana POV

Me: baby are you ready

Justin: more than ever beautiful

Me: 42 days

Justin: until your Mrs. Bieber forever

Me: and that will be the best decision ever

Justin: so whose giving you away

Me: its a secret

I smiled and kiss his cheek we are so close like I'm so excited like there gonna be a lot of people there my family Justin's family and our closest famous people

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