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I saw Jai, My costar Sam for Sam and cat, and Frankie (her brother cause some people wanted it to be her real brothers name so there) and I look at them I was scared what did they want from me.

Me: what do you want

Jai: you back

Sam: it get you out of the show

Frankie: to get rid of you

Me: what I was nice to you guys

Jai: yea but when you broke my heart

Me: you broke my heart kiss that thing over there that has fake boobs and a fake but

Selena: there real

Me: yea as real as cartoons

Selena: yea at least Justin loves me

Me: if he loved you then why is he with me why did he spend his time with me

Selena: cause you a want a be

Me: come on untie me I could take you right here right now

Selena: let's go

Jai: don't do it I've seen her fight Selena she will whop your weave off

Me: yea I will

Selena: this is real

Me: yea in your dreams

Jai: guys leaves I need to teach her to be nice

Everyone left Jai untie me and tried to rap me but I went to a pipe and beat him with it and climbed out of the windows I was in the woods. I ran as fast as I could I saw that I was near the police station but then I thought should I tell them or not.


Will she tell the police? Will she get home? I got 100 votes

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