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Justin POV

I went open it so see Ariana smiling.

Me: your pregnant

Ari: say hi to Justin Drew Bieber Jr.

Me: its a boy

Ari: no

Me: oh

Ari: I'm having twins

Me: what

Ariana: a boy and a girl

Me: I'm gonna be a dad

Ariana: yes Justin Jr. and the girl

Me: I want you to pick

Alfredo: how about a Puerto Rican name

Me: she's not Puerto Rican

Alfredo: I know

Me: how about Jordan we keep the j name going

Alfredo: yeah

Justin: yeah baby

Me: okay

Justin: when you find out

Me: about a month ago I'm 4 months 6 more months to go

Justin: that's why

Me: what

Justin: lately you been getting mad at me I thought it was because you were on your thing

Me: why didn't you tell me

Justin: does it look like I want to die

Me: I wasn't gonna do anything

Justin: so what should we do about the tour

Alfredo: if she wants to do the tour let her

Justin: yeah and when she's 8 months she can't

Ari: hello Beyonce did it I could do it Justin I'm old enough to know

Justin okay

Alfredo: okay I need a shirt that says Alfredo's little girl

Justin: Alfredo

Alfredo: what

Me: come on

Wubbzy: I found it

Me: wow

Wubbzy: a toy yeah thank you Ariana

Me: your welcome

Justin: and

Wubbzy: thank you Justin

Justin: your welcome

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