My friends

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Ariana POV

I looked at the next to see that Jeremy told me his size in tux. Oh yea you guys are probably wondering what me and Jeremy about well its a secret for Justin. I can't wait.

Demi: boo

Me: demi

I went and ran to her and then I saw Demi, Jen, Rue, Becky, and Taylor. Then behind everyone I saw Carlos I went and ran quickly and jump on him and I told him that I love him and miss him.

Me: who got  him here

???: me

Me: Pattie

Pattie: I got Carlos here

Me: thank you

I went and started looking at dresses with everyone and I saw Carlos at the princess dress I wrap my arms around him.

Me: I missed you so much

Carlos: girl you better have but now i see why

Me: yea

Carlos: now try this on I want to eat

Me: fine I'll hurry I'd I get a kiss on the cheek

Carlos: there go girl

Me: okay

~1 hour later~

Me: whose hungry

Carlos: whose paying

Me: me

Carlos: your gonna end up broke when I finish

Me: go what do you guys want

Jen: pizza

Me: Jazzy and Jaxon do you guys want pizza or McDonald's

Jaxon: both

Me: fine cause I love you guys

Jaxon: yay

Me: Pattie here's the money for the food umm me and Carlos are gonna get McDonald's

Carlos: yay

I went picked up the McDonald's and meet everyone in the car and we drive to my house.

Me: hey Justin

Justin: hey baby girl

Me: I bought three boxes of pizza

Justin: okay I was about to make dinner

Me: its okay

Justin: okay baby girl

We went eat our pizza joked around. And of course I sat next to carlos . When we finish Pattie and everyone but Carlos and the kids left cause the kids are sleeping over. I went help Carlos.

Carlos: I had a fun time

Me: I did two

I went hugged him and kissed his cheek but he said something so I turned my cheek and by accident he kiss my lips

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