who to choose

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Ariana POV

I looked down think like I love hanging out with them both they treat me the way I should be treated. But Justin was there for me when Jai cheated on me. Jason keeps me from the fame but Justin tries to. Justin's romantic but im not sure if Jason is. Like im not sure what to do who to go to. I mean I got no one to go to then the phone started ring I went and picked it up.

Me: hello

???: Ariana

Me: Pattie

Pattie: honey are you okay

Me: no

Pattie: baby I will be over soon

I walked to the living and smiled and looked at Justin and said I wish I never meet Jason I wish I never meet him now I love both of you and I don't know what to do.

Pattie: hey baby what's up

Me: can we go to the other room

Pattie yea

Me: okay

We walk to the other room I need Pattie right now.

Pattie: what's up

Me: we'll I love Justin but my first boyfriend wants to go out and I don't know what to do

Pattie: honey at the end of the day who would you rather be with who treats you more right who do you have fun with and who do you love so Ariana listen to your heart and then you will know who to be with

Me: thank you so so so so much

Pattie: I know what happen win your brother but I'm here for you

Me: thank you

Justin: what wrong

Me: oh nothing me and Pattie are talking

Justin: about

Me: do you really want to know

Justin: yes

Me: I'm on my period

Justin: not the p word anything oh period

Me: yea

Justin: thank you

Me: what did you think

Justin: nothing babe do you want so ice cream and me to rent out the hunger games

Me: sure baby

We'll I didn't really lie I am on my period but we were talking about Jason and Justin. But hey I need ice cream now so it's good he's getting it.

Me: Pattie I made up my mine

Pattie: I'm glad to help

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