Grandpa Grande

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Ariana POV

The minute we got to my grandparents house we drop off Chantal & Bella Jazzy and Jaxon with Ryan Chaz & Scooter.

Me: nonna

Nonna: yes

Me: you want help me Justin Pattie and James make the invitation for the wedding

Nonna: yes baby

Me: so I'll be right back cause I got to get everything ready

Nonna: okay

I went and called everything I had to for the wedding.

Justin POV

Me: mom and nonna can we talk

Mom: yeah

Nonna: okay

We went outside I want there opinion.

Me: do you guys think we are right for doing like taking in these kids

Mom: baby I don't believe you guys should at this aga maybe two cause Jazzy and Jaxon can take care of there self well more than Bella so

Nonna: baby Ariana has a brother right and he half to help James right

Me: yeah but he's a year younger

Nonna: either they could be together or they could be sperated but you to has so much on your hands for only being 20 and you guys are gonna be married

Me: thank you but how long do think Frankie could live

Nonna: umm pretty soon

Me: okay

Ariana POV

While Justin Pattie and Nonna was talking I was talking to James.

Me: James you got to take Chantal

James: I'm 20 I got no job

Me: find one cause I'm getting married and the love of my life and I want are own family

James: what about his brother and sister

Me: its different he does have a 18 year old or older brother and sister okay there mom and dad died Pattie is the mom so she should take care of them okay all I'm asking is that you raise too kids okay I'm raising Bella jaxon and jazzy

James: no

Me: okay I hope you have no problem coming to my wedding cause you can't help your little sister out and help raise your brother and sister I can't I got my acting my singing career

James: maybe you should give it up

Me: maybe you should get a job okay if you not gonna help out with the kids then I will take them off your hands forever okay you don't need to see them again okay cause you chose

James: fine

Me: okay which do you pick

James: I'm not gonna be in there life

Me: out your not coming to my wedding get out

Justin: baby what's up

Me: he doesn't want to help and raise chantal with my brother he doesn't want to get a job or anything he doesn't want to be in there life well he can gladly leave

James: bye

Me: umm I'm almost donewe got one less person coming

Justin: baby we can wait a year or how ever long you want

Me: its okay I promise I mean it I love you and all we need is me you Pattie Nonna frank jazzy jaxon and the rest of our family who we are close to

Justin: okay baby I honestly don't care when we have it I love you until I died

Pattie: baby well how about we all go home

Me: let me say good but to grandpa

I went upstair to grandpa and we singed I love to each and I left.

Me: thanks boys

Ryan: anytime are you exicted

Me: yeah its so soon

Scooter: you will be okay

me: bye

Them: bye

I went put jazzy and Jaxon to bed. I went to Chantal and Luke.

Me: umm James left

Luke: where he go

Me: he said this is to much so he left and he's not coming back

Luke: its us

Me: yeah

Chantal: okay

Me: its time to go to bed guy

Luke: goodnight

Chantal: good night

Me: goodnight

They went upstairs as they went upstairs Justin came downstairs. I smiled at him and then down at Bella.

Justin: she's beautiful

Me: yeah umm Justin he out five kids to take care of

Justin: yeah baby

Me: this is gonna be hard

Justin: maybe we should think about adoption

Me: want to do it for Luke and Chantal but I'm nervous

Justin: baby maybe you should Justin give James them and maybe my mom would take jazzy and jaxon

Me: yeah I be back

I went carried Luke and Chantal and I went in James house and left them there. I went back home to see Justin holding Bella.

Me: what do we do with her

Justin: adoption since she's so young or keep her

Me: adoption cause I'm nervous if James finds her he finds us

Justin: okay

Me: okay

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