Stay calm

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Justin POV

I saw Ariana hanging her self with blood down her arm and a empty pill bottle. went cut her down and put her and Juli and Avalanna in the car and went to the hospital the doctor went and took her to her room. Me Avalanna and Julianna was waiting I didn't want to interrupt the kids in dance cause they really love it.

Doctor: we might need to keep her over night and see observer

Me: okay doctor

I was praying she would be okay and then the doctor came out say we can see her. I went inside to see her sleeping I went kissed her head holding her hand and thinking of the wonderful times together. I went and smiled when I saw her smile.

Ari: Justin what happen where am I

Me: you took a bunch of pills and cut your arm and hung yourself

Ari: I'm so sorry I don't even remember this

Me: I just happy your okay

Ari: me too I want to go home

Me: you can't do that we'll not yet tomorrow

Ari: okay

Me: I love you why would you want to do this

Ari: I don't know maybe it's cause of Sophie

Me: what

Ari: she's pretty than me

Me: baby I married you she my past I swear to god

Ari: how could I know that you told me if you didn't meet me you would had married her

Me: yes but know I know who I love it's you not her


~next day~

I'm scared to tell Justin what the doctor told me if he knows he'll be mad happy dad I don't even know what he'll do I'm so scared.

Justin: baby how you feeling

Me: good Justin can we talk like now

Justin: sure anything

Me: umm baby

Justin: yeah

Me: I umm pregnant

Justin: that's amazing

Me: no it's not

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