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Me: whys she here

Justin: oh cause

Me: Justin for real

Justin: honey I'm not Justin

Me: wait who are you

Justin or who every he is: I'm Jason..... Jason MCCann

Me: thought you weren't real I thought Justin played you

Jason: he did babe but I hated it because I'm still alive

Me: what do you want

Jason: we'll Justin loves you so why not you baby girl

Me: why

Jason: look at you baby I would like to bang that

Me: no please no

Jason: why

Selena: we are gonna be at the house in 5

Jason: okay.

Jason: went and walked up to me and smiled and I was so scared like I want Justin here right now. And then Jason got really close and plus if I get him happy the quick I could escape. Then he went and started kissing me. I had to say he's a freaking good kisser to be honest like he's better than Justin so I didn't mined kissing him. So I went and kissed back. The kiss got heated like man I didn't want to stop and then he had a six pack so I was touching it.

Jason: babe

I smiled when he called me that. He came up to me and whispered

Jason: really like  you

Me: I like you to

Jason: let's go inside

Me: okay whatever you want

Jason went took my hand and hold me inside. When we got inside Selena left I was happy now I need to get on his good side to leave.

Jason: babe you to watch a movie

Me: yea

I went sat on his lap and started kissing his neck. He was moaning like crazy so I kept on freedom here I come. Then he stooped me I hope he doesn't know.

Jason: stop

Me: why

Jason: let's do it

Me: ummmmm


1) baby reached a billion

2) u might want to know what I look like so go to my page to see on insta @kidrauhlconfident and @samantha_life_

3) will Ari say yes or no

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