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Yoventura POV

Director: yoventura turn to the right yeah now give me additude. Give me sassy now kiss that guy

I went and kissed the cute guys who was my boyfriend today's our one year anniversary. Me and justin been through so much togetherness few months ago my little sister died cause of cancer and justin was right at my side. Justin said he had a big surprise I know he's a vampire. I don't care I'm a vampire to I was going to turn my little sister into one but it was to late. So I got dressed in a high waisted shorts and a crop top. I went and left with justin to dinner. Diring dinner we were having amazing time but right after he to my to the beach where my my sister died.

They said my sister died from a animal attack. But when they say that they mean a vampire either a newbie vampire that can't control them self or old vampire that wants to get caught. But I'm mad that justin would even think of taking me here. He knows all the memory's would come back to me about my little sis.

Me: why we here

Justin: you need to let go of Chantal

Me: never

Justin: close your eyes

Me: okay

I closed my eyes wondering what justin was trying to do to me cause I won't forget her.

Justin: now Chantal gone but open you eyes

Me: Chantal is Chantal

I looked up and saw my sis I went and jumped up and hugged and her.

Me: how are you here

Justin: I made a deal with a witch to get her back

Me: Chantal is that you

Chantal: yeah

Me: oh my god

Chantal: and for the past 4 months I saw you from the other said I wanna say stop cry and keep you head held high girl

Me: always

I smiled and hug justin and kissed him this is the best present ever

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