Audtition Time

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Ariana POV

After all the addition they finally called us for all of them. So Rose is doing 3 tv shows and one movie. jazzy and Jaxon are doing 2 movies and 3 tv shows. The twins together they get to so about 5 tv shows and 2 movies. and Julianna is doing 1 tv show and a movie. So I'm happy and Justin called nick and ask if he can train the boys and the girls in hip hop and we are going to fine someone for the to teach them tap and all those other type of dances. I can't wait to see my kids dance. So nick is coming today on a plane he have a house he so it's easier and he said he want to start right away with them. So I can't wait .

Me: baby guess what

Justin: yes

Me: jazzy and Jaxon are doing 2 movies and 3 tv shows. The twins together they get to so about 5 tv shows and 2 movies. and Julianna is doing 1 tv show and a movie

Justin: see how easy it is

Me: okay baby but there going to grow up so fast

Justin: I know

Me: we'll what is nick filling in

Justin: he's coming at night and teach the kids tomorrow

Me: okay

Justin: so while the have dance we can go out

Me: yes

Justin: okay it's a date

Me: okay

~ next day~

Me and Justin are going out for lunch I'm wearing high wasted jeans with a crop top and a hat and some sneakers. I look to see Justin and I wearing the same color shirt and jean and hat and shoes. He smiled when he looked at me I went and hugged him. Nick came to take all the kids expect Julianna. Julianna almost and year and she's already walking so me and Justin and Juli are going out and we are all matching. Me, Justin and Julianna went and took a picture with Juli and Justin kissing my cheek. Then we took a full body picture. We went and left the house to where ever we were going. I look to see we were at Chucky cheese. While we were there we saw Sophie when I saw her she gave me a dirty look. Like aren't her and Justin friends why she mad at me. But ignored her cause to I'm with my guy and my kid trying to have fun. Me and Justin and Julianna went to play some games it was so fun. Then Justin asked the guy to take a picture of us he said. I went put Juli on my hip Justin went and started kissing me. Since today Monday and it's during school hours no one was here only me and Justin and Juliana and Sophie. Then out of now where I see all my kids coming play a game and I smile. The whole family where the same outfit.

Justin: baby I have to tell you something

Me: yeah

Justin: so I was just talking to nick and he said that the oldest could be back up dancers or something

Me: aww

Justin: and maybe we can go on tour

Me: yeah sure

Justin went and grabbed my face and started kissing me I laughed while the kids said eww. Me and Justin looked at each other and laugh. From the corner of my eye I saw Sophie get mad.

Rose: mommy I need to go to the bathroom

Me:ok jazzy and jacky

Jazzy: yeah

Jacky: yes mommy

Me: I'm going to take rose to the bathroom do you guy half to go

Jazzy: yeah

Jacky: no

Me: okay jacky you can go with your daddy

Me, jazzy, rose, and Julianna went to the bathroom. Rose and jazzy went to the bathroom while I changed Julianna. Then Sophie came in ugh what does she want so badly.

Sophie: I saw you with my man

Me: first off her mine she the ring and second he has a family okay and he loves them a lot

Sohpie: did he ever to you what happen with me and him

Me: bye

Me and Justin decided to leave for dinner with the kids. after dinner I put the kids to sleep and decided to watch a movie and our room.

Me: Justin we half to talk

Justin: sure baby

Me: who that girl

Justin: Sophie

Me: yes she following us

Justin: the truth

Me: yes

Justin: when I was 8 I meet Sophie we started dating quickly I was in love for 7 years when we were 15 someone kidnap Sophie they told me she would die if I didn't do what they said and Selena the kidnapper said she was dead and told me if I didn't date her Sophie family and mine would die and I promise Sophie family I would protect her I haven't seen her in almost 7 years until yesterday baby I forget about her the minute I meet you

Me: why didn't you tell my do you still love her

Justin: no I love you she's my past you my present and future please I would be stupid to give this family up for some girl

Me: I love you

Justin: I love you too

The phone rang I went to pick it up to hear on my god

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