When were not done

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Ariana POV

Today's the day many many years ago me and Justin started going out. Justin been telling me all week he has a surprise for me. I was sleeping when I felt a pair of lips on mine. I open my eyes to see Justin there in front of me.

Justin: I'm sorry baby girl did I wake you

Me: nope

Me and Justin were the first ones up the kids were over there grandma or our friends house for that day. So while I was laying down looking at Justin someone came into our bed room with these mask out on it look like thoses mask from the purge. These guys took me by the arm. I was kicking punch adding everything to get away from them. I looked and saw Justin fighting. At one moment he was free coming to get me by the two of the guys I got him. I kept fight but it was useless. I was in the back of the trunk there was no light you couldn't see anything. But Justin had a lighter I didn't want to argue about it I was just happy. I looked at Justin and tear came down our eye I didn't think this would happen again. Justin went and wiped away my tear and I smiled. Just then the people open the door and gave us this shot that made us fall asleep really quick. I was trying to fight it but it was too strong. I woke up to find out I was tight up. Justin said he had away out, I was scared for my life like I don't know who this could be. When the rope broke Justin took my hand and guided me to the window. Justin look at me and said you trust me. I looked down and back him yeah. He took my hand and we jump I didn't even think about it. I had me eyes close until we landed on some thing. I smiled as we saw our whole family and I knew Justin did this.

Me: I hate you

Justin: well Mrs. Bieber I love you

Justin went and kissed me and went with the boys to the skating area and me and everyone else were dating to Justin songs from his new album Purpose. The song I'll show you started and Justin went up to me and took my hand and started singing it to me. I went and took my hand and cover my face. I love when he does this it makes the song more special to me. I went and  smiled and then Justin waisted no time after I smiled. He started leaning in and so did I and we kissed. When the kiss finished me and Justin were both still face to face and with out any movement and said.

Justin: This life's not easy, I'm not made out of steel Don't forget that I'm human, don't forget that I'm real Act like you know me, but you never will But that's one thing that I know for sure I'll show you

This is the guy I fell in love the goofy love able guy. I smiled as me and Justin started dancing having fun with our family. I had Matthew Jr I was playing with him. He was laughing and it was so cute.

Jennifer: mom give me Matthew and go dance

Me: baby I'm fine

Jennifer: no today's a big day for with dad and dance with him

Me: okay

I went to the dance floor to see Justin dancing with Rose. I love how Justin never treated Rose different from the other kids he treated her the same. Rose saw me and whisper something to Justin and he smiled and went up to me.

Justin: May I have this dance

Me: yeah I would like that

Justin took my hand just as they started playing a slow song. After the song I decided to go outside to think. Justin came with me so we can get time alone. Then bang that all you heard and I think everyone else heard it to. Me and Justin were nothing bleed but there was one shot. What's going on? I saw the kids and I saw Jennifer and her sisters scared.

Me: guys help him

Jessa went and fed us her blood but I didn't see Justin move.

Me: Justin Justin say something please it's me Ari

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