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Ariana POV

Hey so it's been two months since I heard from Justin the kids ask for the daddy and stuff but I tell them daddy's busy. So today me and the kids just more to California since that's where they wanted to go. So we are all going to the park. Very soon it's Jazzy birthday we are do princess theme she's going to be 7.

Me: hi

Her: hi

Me: where's your mom

Her: she said she doesn't want me and left me here

Me: I'm so sorry

Her: can you be my mommy

Me: umm

Her: please

Me: sure

Her: thank you

Me: what's your name

Her: Rose

Me: I love it

Rose: thank you

Me: you want some ice cream rose

Rose: yes please

Me: what flavor

Rose: white with sprinkles

Me: okay

I went ask every what they want I'm not getting Jennifer cause she's.

Me: hi can I get 4 small vanilla with sprinkles and 2 small chocolate ice cream

Him: that will be wait Ariana

Me: yes

Him: I'm a big fan that will free

Me: thank you

Him: can I get a picture

Me: sure

We went took a picture and took the kids to the closets bench.

Me: her you guys go

Them: thank you

I got a text from Justin saying he will be here soon I said fine.

Me: jazzy and Jaxon

Jazzy and Jaxon: yeah

Me: do you want to stay with me or Justin

Jazzy: I don't know

Me: it's okay think about it baby

Jazzy: okay

Me: rose

Rose: yeah

Me: you got some ice cream on your nose silly and I wanted to know if you wanted to dance

Rose: yeah

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