Looking back at everything

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Ariana POV

I went to the bathroom to see a picture and a note and said do your hair like this which was leave my hair curly. I did as the note said and went and put on the outfit Justin said but something about this outfit seemed familiar I didn't know what though. Anyways when I finished I walked out the bathroom to see a message on my phone. Go downtown to the photoshoot across from the ice cream shop I'll meet you there. I looked at the message and said okay and left to the photoshoot place. When I walked inside I look to see some guy push me to start poising. I did I was kinda confused but I just went along with it. But as I was modeling I notice something this is the same spot I went up to Justin and surprise him by kissing him on the check and this was the outfit I was wear. But when I put it together I felt to hands on my waist. I turned around and saw Justin. I hugged him but waisted no time. He went and took me to build a bear where we made brand new bears. I smiled as I remember this day so clearly. But instead of going home Justin told me to put on this blue princess dress and with white glove, white heals, this blue tiara, these beautiful earrings. I smiled as me and Justin drove to this place and took my hand and we walked up the steps and open the door. I look to see it was a ball and it was beautiful. Then the music started and all I heard was take my hand. When me and Justin started dating I told him that if me and him were to dance together to this song from high school it would be perfect.

Justin: May I have this dance

Me: yes

Justin took my hand and led me to the dance floor. Then I notice everyone was here. I smiled as I looked at Justin with his mask on and then I remember my mask that was covering one eye. When the song finished Justin too my hand and said ready to waltz I smiled as we went to the dance. Okay so this was who were partnered up. Me and Justin, Pattie and Mario, Destorm and liane, jazzy and Stephen, Rose and Brent, Jaxon and Demi, Justin Jr and Yoventura, Jacky and Nash, Juli and Alex, Jordyn and Damon, Jennifer and Matthew, Jessa and Charlie, James and Becky G, Jasmine and Austin, Jason and Madison, Jay and Miley, Jacob and Rachel, Jessica and Ray, Trayvion and Zendaya, Mario Jr and Lisa, Jordan and Chris Brown, Blu and her new boyfriend, Sophie and Drake, Marie and Prince Royce, Madison and Jake, and Tori and Ed Sheeran. We were all dancing it seemed like we all been practitioners for months. When we switched off Justin ended up get Tori. I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Justin POV

Me: you look beautiful

Tori: thank you

Me: look your apart of the Bieber family we all love you

Tori: thank you it's just been rough lately I never thought anyone would take me in

Me: you deserve a chance at life and I'm gonna make sure you get it

Tori: thank you

Me: see rose over there

Tori: yeah?

Me: when she young her parent left her at this park and didn't come back for her

Tori: oh my god

Me: yeah but look at her a young beautiful girl that got a second chance at life

Tori: and that's what your doing for me

Me: yeah me and Ariana bought you something

I went and handed Tori these keys.

Tori: what's this

Me: keys to your car

Tori: no no no

Tori covered her mouth and hugged me and then we notice the waltz was over. I went and escorted her next Ari.

Ari: I take it that Justin gave you the kids

Tori: yeah

Ari: well here's your other gift

Tori: what this

Ari: well since you have a new car your gonna need a new house

Tori: shut up shut up

Ari: happy birthday

Tori: you remember

Me: how could we forget

Tori: wow you to are amazing

Me: yeah but Sunday's whoever in town comes to dinner should I expect you there

Tori: yeah definitely

Me: great because since your a new addition you and Ariana can make your favorite food

Tori: I don't know how I could ever repay you

Me: go and be happy and if you ever meet a girl in need give back

Tori: I will

Me: well what are we wait for let's go check out your car

Me Tori and Ari went outside and Tori was so shocked I love doing this.

Me: go for a ride

Tori: are you sure

Me: it's your car

Ariana POV

Tori went for her test ride and be and Justin went on the top of the roof and look at the city. It was night time so it looked beautiful. As I was looking I was thinking about everything good and bad that had happen to get here. I thought about getting kidnap, us in the hospital me crying Justin cry, me almost being raped, every single arguement, the day jazzy and Jaxon mom and dad pass away, the day we said I do, the day we went Rose, the day I found out I was pregnant for the first time, when Selena and other people tried to kill us. Everything rushed and it hit me that I have the best husband because he's always been there for me when I needed and I was always there when he needed me. I'm actually happy that Jai cheated on me with Selena because I know Jai wouldn't have been there for me like Justin has. Justin has been my rock and I happy to see I still get butterflies when Justin looks at me and kisses me. As I was in my train of thought I heard Justin call me and I said yeah Ja- he cut me off by kissing me. It felt like our first kiss sparks were flying everywhere and like I said I get butterflies with him.

The End

Bye from the Bieber Family

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