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Jenna POV

15th kid of Jariana

Hey I'm Jenna I'm 8 years old I went to the dance studio and I was practicing some new stuff when I fell.

Me: help

Mom: what happen

Me: I fell on my foot and I think it's broke

Mom: okay

My mom cared me to the car and took me to the hospital. I couldn't walk I was limping.

Doctor: you should stay off your foot for 6 week to 8 weeks were gonna our a boot on it so it won't hurt as much

I got the boot on me I was mad cause I can't dance and dancing is my life. On our way home mom looked at me.

Mom: I know you love to dance but baby this gives you a chance to take up acts or modeling

Me: okay I guess I'm out for like 8 weeks

Mom: I'll help you

Me: okay

When we got home I went in the movie theatre room. I was with Josie we were watching a movie. Mom came into the room and told my there a music video and a tv show audition.

Me: okay mom

Mom: what

Me: I'm hungry

Mom: what do you want vampire blood or pizza

Me: can I hunt for once

Mom: let's go

Me and my mom went outside and she was teaching me the tricks of hunting it was easy. all I half to do is use my super speed and eat the animals on the side of there neck.

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