Whats wrog

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Ariana POV

Justin: baby

Me: yeah babe

Justin: are wedding is so soon

Me: I know

Justin: yeah

My phone was ringing I went picked it up.

Me: hello

Nona: Ariana your grandpa is not feeling good

Me: I'll be there soon

Justin: what

Me: grandpa grande

Justin: what's up

Me: I don't know Nona said he's feeling good

Justin: baby I'm coming with you

Me: okay

Justin: baby wake up the kids I will start getting everything ready

Me: OK

I went to the kids room. And started getting them ready. I'm gonna move up are wedding I want my grandpa to take me down the iasle.

~on the plane~

Me: Justin

Justin: yeah

Me: do you want to move up the wedding

Justin: to when

Me: to next week

Justin: yes I want you to be happy

Me: I got a lot of work

Justin: we got a lot of work but what do we half to do

Me: resend to invitation reorder the pool and we got to get everything set up

Justin: fine let's do it the minute we get home we put the kids to sleep and we started doing it

Me: okay

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