Don't Do It

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Ariana POV

I went flew to put anniversaryto see omg please don't do it nooooo. Is all I know thats all I heard it was my voice and then it said it again then it was raining. but it was Justin's voice.

Me: baby Im here.

Then I saw Maria  ughh. But he went and started fighting but she had a gun. I push her to thus railing and smashed her head over and over and over again until she stopped I went took the gun and started running around looking. I went and heard his voice a gain I went and kept on running. As I ran Jai push me to the floor. He got on top of my and started checking me. I couldnt breath I was almost a sleep but I went and by accident hit his little friend and he let go of me I went took the gun and shot him 3 times. I went st rated talking around looking for Justin im not leaving with out him then I found this room I went kicked the door down and I saw Justin I went and ran to him and took off the tape. When I got punch in the face it was selena fun I went punched her back.  She went and took a nife and pinned my.against the was wall. I went looked at justin and kicked her stomach. And quickly shot her but she started getting up I went and shot her head. I looked at Justin and untied him and then I started crying.

Justin: shhhhhh baby shhhhhh she's not coming back

Me:I was so scared baby I thought they hurt you

Justin: im okay baby let go home

Me: okay

we went on our plane home I went cuddle holding Justin's hand. Justin would go and say I love you baby I would trade you for anything. I love him but I hate our life like can we be normal. Like Justin cant even go to get ice cream with out being in the truck and then he's claustrophobic. So its hard for us even if were not dating. But when I said yes I didn't know who much I was giving up I knew I had to give alot of stuff up but not this much. Like When we said yes its not just our life getting taken away and putting in front of the spot little it's also are sisters brother mom and dads life to. And everyone wants us to fall bit me and Justin aren't going down we are gonna believe and fly. I cant wait until we get home.  I looked at Justin and and smiled at him sleeping and kissed his cheek.  When I went to lay back down but justin went pulled me down and started kissing my check. Then I started blushing when he was tell me I was beautiful. I told him you wish.

Justin: you are baby

I went kissed him and went to bed.


Justin POV

I went carried Ariana to the house I went laid her down on her bed. I went took a picture of her. I went post the picture on instagram my baby my life I love her she makes me better I love Her my beliebers and my mom with out you guys I wouldn't be the guy I am today thank you guys very much I love you I love yoy until I die and even when I die I will  still love you no matter what. I went kissed her forehead and put on some tv.

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