It was

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Justin POV

Jennifer: it was Ari's brother

Me: what

Jennifer yea and there was more people

Me: who else

Jennifer: Selena Fankie's girlfriend , and your first girlfriend

Me: what

Ari: oh my god

Me: Ari come back

I went ran after her. I know she will run will it feels safe. I went drove and quickly as I can. I went ran to inside of my moms house to Ari there. She was crying see when her mom died my mom treated her like her own.

Me: baby

Ari: Justin we need to brake up

Me: no baby we can't do you love

Ari: yea of course

Me: why should we brake up

Ari: cause nobody wants us together and everyone wants me died not you me

Me: I love you and I will die for you if I half to

Ari: aww

Me: I will be right back

Ariana POV

Mom: Justin really loves you

Me: I know I just don't know what to do

Mom: hey they are going away Jai's dead Selena your brother Samantha and Justin's ex is going to jail if Jennifer tells the cops which she will

Me: thanks I really need you at this time since my mom and dad's dead and my brier tries to kill me

Mom: baby I'm here for you

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