Whats up Usher

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Usher POV

I walked in pissed cause of what just happen

Ariana: what happen

Me: I just found Jai in our yard

Ariana: what

Me: but he ran into a car and drove off

Justin: baby calm down he isn't gonna do anything cause your gonna be with me scooter usher or Alfredo your not leaving us okay baby

Ariana: okay

Ariana POV

I went laid down and started crying then Justin and I fell a sleep. When I woke up I went took a bath I looked at the time and started getting ready I left a note say I'm going with usher to perform on the voice. I went in the car with usher and started getting butterflies in my stomach. I'm so excited but nervous. I went perform With Usher you got it bad by him.

Me: thank you guys and thank you usher

Usher: this is Ariana and she's gonna be with us tonight

Me: yea

Adam: Ariana I got one question

Me: sure

Adam: how do you do that high note

Me: oh umm it's hard but during it I just think of my family so that's how

Adam: can you another song

Me: yea Usher come with me

Usher: okay

Me: this next song was made by my boyfriend Justin which is his artist it's called as long as you love me

Usher: okay you ready


After the voice I went and drove home when I did Justin did say hi or anything but I saw a note it said do you want to see your precious Justin how much will you do for him go alone and follow the notes we got eyes on you all the time so don't try to call the police okay we are at the one place that Justin wants to kiss a girl. I knew where that was the Brooklyn bridge I went and drove of to my privet plane and few to Brooklyn. When I got there there was another note. Oh good you know something about Justin. We'll if you can help him go to you anniversary place and come alone girl or else so,etching bad happens to sweet old. I went flew to put anniversaryto see omg please don't do it nooooo

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