Special day

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Justin's P.O.V

Scooter told me today going to be a special day. I'm so exited for what he's going to show me and I'm also excited  because I get to do a photo shoot. After the photo shoot I get to take some pictures with some Beliebers. I got dresses in some jeans and a black shirt with a red hat. I went down stairs ate some eggs and toast, then I got in my car to the studio. I walked in and went into the room that said Justin Bieber. I walked into see scooter talking on the photo so I sat down across from him.

Me: where's my surprise at

scotter: its coming later but for now work on your song all that matters.

Me: Okay

Ariana P.O.V

I woke up this morning got ready to go to my photo shoot todays a big day for Justin so I'm exicted. I put on my white crop top and my pink shirt and my white shoes. I went downstairs made myself some eggs and soups. While I was eating I went on Twitter to see if Justin post something and he did. @JustinBieber hey guys today going to be good because scootet said he go a surprise for me. So I decide I should tweet to me fan and if Justin see ro him too. @ArianaGrande hey guys todays a special dad for and big bro @JustinBieber. I finished up my breakfast and drove to the photo shoot. I walked into my dressing room where the make up lady and the hair lady were already waiting for me. The lady started do everything to me so I went on my phone and play candy crush. When the lady's finished tbey asked me for a picture and I told them sure I took a quick picture then I text Justin.

text conversation

Me: hey Jay ♥♥♥

Justin: hey Ari

Me: what you doing today ♥♥♥

Justin: just a photo shoot and some pictures with thw fans

Me: Jay do you want to watch a movie today ♥♥♥

Justin: Yeah my place you pick

Me: what time ♥♥♥

Justin: 7pm

Me: okay I got to go bye Jay ♥♥♥

Justin: bye Ari

End of conversation

Justin P.O.V

I finished up in the studio so then scooter said we got to go to the photo shoot on my way my best friend Ariana but I like to call her Ari. She always there for me like Caltin they always know how to make me smile.

text conversation

Me: hey Jay ♥♥♥

Justin: hey Ari

Me: what you doing today ♥♥♥

Justin: just a photo shoot and some pictures with the fans

Me: Jay do you want to watch a movie today ♥♥♥

Justin: Yeah my place you pick

Me: what time ♥♥♥

Justin: 7pm

Me: okay I got to go bye Jay ♥♥♥

Justin: bye Ari

End of conversation

I went to make up since my hair was already good

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