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Justin P.O.V

I surprise Ari by pretending to forget our anniversary. I went took her to the best restaurant. We order our food. While we were wait we started talking.

Me: Ari

Ari: yea

Me: you are so beautiful

Ari:'thank you Jay you look handsome

Me: your welcome and thank you

Ari: your welcome

Me: so when do you go on tour

Ari: umm tomorrow

Me: hey I'm coming until mine start

Ari: thanks

When we got our food we kept on talking about everything. When we finished I went took her for a walk around Atlanta. She was so quite I wonder what was up.

Me: Ari are you okay

Ari: I was just wonder why did you pick me

Me: cause you love me for Justin not cause in Justin Bieber

Ari: yea cause I love you

Me: and I love you

Ari: Justin do you want to go home

Me: yea why are you tired

Ari: yea

I went picked her up bridal style and brought her to her house. I was her brother Joe right there.

Me: hey Joe

Joe: hey let me guess her foot hurt up picked her up and she fell asleep

Me: yea

Joe: are you going on tour with her

Me: yea

Joe: we'll you better get pack

Me: yea I know I been on tour before

Joe: hey I was just tell you and Justin look

He showed me his phone it said another way houw Ariana uses Justin she makes him carry her place but Justin like her too much to see Ariana shame on you I think when Jai dumped her she thought she was better than everyone else. Ariana you better not get use to it cause Justin gonna find out soon.

??: oh my god I love you can't they see that I'm don't think I'm better than anyone to be honest they are better than me and you only pick me up cause me feet hurt I'm done with this I can't do this any more

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