Saving him

358 18 1

Ariana POV

After I got ready this morning me and Carlos got up and walked to the car and drove to the mall. When we got there we went and took Becky to the same shop I went to last time. I got her dress and we went to the food court.

Me: what you guys want

Becky: Chines

Me: yes

Went in line bought our food. When we bought out food Carlos went to the bathroom.

Becky: I half to tell you something

Me: what

Becky: you might die

Me: what you mean

Becky: Austin wanted me to kill Justin so he could date you and I get Carlos and I don't know what to do like if don't know how to stop him

Me: I'll text Justin let's go

Becky: okay

Me: Carlos we half to go home

Carlos: okay

~at home~

I walked the house to see Justin there and someone one the ground Justin was on the ground too. I went up to him and looked at him in the eye.

Justin: baby

Me: are you okay

Justin: yea a little cut but him and sel which is Selena twin just tried to kill me

Me: baby who on the floor

Justin: Austin and sel we'll she hit me first and killed her

Me: baby it done

Justin: I think so

Me: I love you

Justin: I love you too

Me: let's go Becky and Carlos are waiting for us

Justin: okay

Me and Justin went into the car and we drove to the airport to get Chaz and Ryan. After we got them we went to Pattie house and picked up the kids. When we got them we drove to the mall. I went had a shopping day with Beckky jazzy and Justin Carlos Ryan Chaz and Jaxon he there guys time.

Me: jazzy you want some clothes

Jazzy: yea

I went into this clothes store and got Jazzy a few outfits. One was this dot dress since tomorrow her birthday I want her to look really nice. Then we went at this store and while we were there I ask Becky to watch jazzy while I get her a present. I bought her frozen Olaf toy doll pillow, frozen toys like 3 of them, a whole outfit with this shoe called the Carmine's( yea I'm a sneaker head so yea I know sneakers really good)and I'm bring someone there. I went back to the girls and they wanted to go get the boys and play a game.

Me: hey baby

Justin: hey *kisses me*

Jaxon: eww

Me: aww here you kiss

Jaxon: yea

Me: so who wants to play lazier tag

Jaxon: me

Jazzy: me

Carlos: me

Ryan: me

Chaz: me

Me: okay let's go

Becky: can we talk

Me: you guys go we will be there in a sec

Becky: I like someone but I don't how to tell them

Me: just say like oh I really like you I was wondering if we can date or just stay friends until he wants to ask you

Becky: we'll if that person taken

Me: we'll you can tell and said hey I feel this way to you I was wondering can we got out and if not you know how I feel

Becky: thanks

Me: yea

Me and Becky went to the lazier tag room and found everyone. We went got ready and went in side me and Jaxon are partners since he's little and Justin and jazzy are partner up. We were all having shooting each other. We are like one big happy family.

Justin POV

While we were play lazier tag I got a call it was from scooter.

Me: hey

Scooter: hey

Me: what's up

Scooter: your dad cancer is getting worst but he's starting treatment in two days he wants to be there for Jazzy's birthday

Me: what

Scooter: umm Justin your brother and sister might need a new dad you know it's hard to have cancer

Me: yea I'm still sad about Avalanna and to know jazzy and Jaxon might be my kids cause my brother and sister aren't living in a foster home so that mean I will adopt them.

Scooter: yea

Me: bye

Scooter: bye

I went into the lazier tag room and took Ariana with me. She new something was up and she went and hugged me.

Ariana: what happen

Me: my dad getting worst and he might die

Ariana: baby look bileve that everything gonna be alright

Me: yea I'm not worry about me I'm worried about jazzy and Jaxon I mean they just lost there mom they should lose there dad to

Ariana: if they do we are here for them we will adopt them

Me: yea I don't care how much work it is I'll do it

Ariana: I love you

Me: I love you too

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