The 3 of us

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Ariana P.O.V

I woke up this morning with Justin's arm wrapped around me in his. I tried to get out but Justin wouldn't let me leave so I went and shakes him.

Me: Justin

Justin: what

Me: I got to go take a bath so me you and my brother can go hang out today

Justin: okay but please use my moms bath room so I could mine

Me: yea babe I like hers

Justin: okay thank you oh and I love you

Me: I love you too

Justin P.O.V

~after taking a bath~

After I finished taking a bath I went put on my clothes and went down stairs to see Joe right there already watching tv. I went and sat down right next to I notice he was watching me on Saturday day night live. The next part I was on was Glice and I didn't do so good on it.

Joe: dude you are cracking up

Me: we'll you try focusing while somebody screams in your ear about a mistake you made

Joe: okay fine

Me and Joe finished up Saturday night live he wanted to Black Ops. I was beating Joe beat Joe by a lot I killed 123 zombies while Joe killed 57 in an hour. Then I heard someone whistle I paused the game and looked at Ariana wow she looked beautiful.

Ari: how do I look

Me: beautiful babe

Ari was blushing man I love when she blushes. Then the outfit she wore it was looked nice I want to have kids with her.

Ari: should we go or are we staying here

~at the mall~

Me,Ar, and Joe were walking around the mall we went and then we went to this girl store Ariana went tried things on she didn't want anything so I went and bought a outfit.

~Ari P.O.V~

Me and the boys were walking to the car until I heard I heard a voice. I turned around too see.............OMB............... It can't be...........................................

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ who do you think it is?

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