Get the Bieber

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Carlos POV

Ariana: hey

Me: hey boo

Ariana: how long are you gonna be here

Me: we'll I'm gonna be here for a 4 or 5 days go back home and buy a house here

Ariana: yea

Me: yea and I really want to know Becky and madison more there real cool

Ariana:Becky and madison are gonna be there for the wedding

Me: are we going shopping to

Ariana: yep cause becky is gonna be one of my bride mate

Me: okay

Becky g POV

After me and Carlos talked he had to go I really wanted to talk more but he did give me his number. After he left I went to my car and turned on the radio it was my so play it again. Watch me take it up and I break it down how to play sport but it's a touch down. And I was on my way home when I got home Austin was there why.

Austin: do you love

Me: why

Austin: I need your help we got to kill someone

Me: who

Austin: Justin

Me: why

Austin: we'll you get Carlos and I get Ariana

Me: yea sure let's do this

Austin: wait not now

Me: when

Austin: we'll tomorrow

Me: Austin I got a career

Austin: I'll go tell your little boyfriend you never liked him

Me: I do

Austin: really between us too who would you pick

Me: I don't know

Austin: yea

Me: leave

Austin POV

Everyone knows I want to be bigger than Justin I want to be like micheal Jackson but him and his belieber stand in my way and then Ariana and her fans would come to me and maybe some beliebers will come to me. I need to beat Mr, perfect

Me: hello

??: yea

Me: I told you

??: she said yes

Me: she love me

??: yea yea you better do it

Me: I will

??: I love you

Me: I love you too

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