The kiss

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Brent POV

Ari looked at me and she looked like she was about to cry I went and hugged her.

Me: what's wrong

Ari: I love Justin but I liked that kiss

Me: it's okay

Ari: I just want what's best for my kid

Me: I understand

Ari: okay

I went and kissed and since we were standing up we both sat on this chair. Ariana sat on top of me and we were still making out. My hands were on her butt and we were making out. Ariana looked at me and smiled.

Ari: Justin text me

Me: what happen

Ari: he wants to talk

Me: is he coming

Ari: yeah

Me: okay

About 5 minutes later Justin came and started talking to Ariana.

Justin: baby

Ariana POV

Justin: baby

Me: what

Justin: I love you

Me: I love you too but we keep on arguing about this

Justin: and I don't want to

Me: maybe we take a break and see people and then we'll figure out what to

Justin: so are we getting a divorce

Me: no were just going to see some people for a while and then we'll talk

Justin: okay

Justin left and when he left and laid on the couch and when I did D came in.

Destorm: I just saw him

Me: yep

Destorm: what happen

Me: where still marry but were going to see other people for a while

Destorm: oh

Me: yeah

Destorm: what you want to do

Me: how about we go to my house and we put on some music and we all play truth or dare

Destorm: okay

Me: d

Destorm: yeah

Me: piggy back

Destorm: fine I get to go first

Me: deal

Me D and Brent went to my house and we told everyone about playing truth or dare. finally it was Alex turn to ask someone a question.

Alex: Brent truth or dare

Brent: truth

Alex: I'm going to ask you 5 truth

Brent: go

Alex: do you like someone here

Brent: yes

Alex: how long have u liked them

Brent: since I meet them

Alex how many people you like here

Brent: 1

Alex: describe one thing you love about her

Brent: her smile

Alex: who is it

Brent: Ariana

Everyone turn there head and look at me I cover my on Nash shoulder.

Nash: ari truth or dare

Me: truth cause I don't want to die

Nash: who do you like here

Me: umm like have a crush on

Nash: yep

Me: okay I'm going to say this straight up I have a crush on Nash and Brent

Nash: aww

Nash went and kiss my cheek and I started blushing and then Nash whispered he likes me too which I never thought he would.

Me: okay I get it Alex truth or dare

Alex: dare

Me: I dare you to by me some mcdonalds

Alex: let's go

Me: your gonna do it

Alex: yeah come one

Me: yeah

We went in his car and drove to mcdonalds we went go the food and parked and Alex was staring at me.

Me: what

Alex: you like Nash and Brent

Me: yes

Alex: so since you and Justin are on your break are you and Nash or you and Brent going to you know

Me: I don't know

Alex: we'll this is going to be a good story

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