I don't want to do this or maybe i do

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Ariana POV

Nash went and kiss me I looked at him and went up into Nash room and then into the bathroom. When Justin called me I went and picked it up.

Justin: baby I'm sorry for what I didn't I need to really think and I want you with me I'm not ready to say goodbye you Jariana

Me: umm I'm at Nash's house

Justin: I'll be there in 5

Me: Okay

I went put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs waiting for justin. Finally Justin came and we drove home before we went inside I decided to tell him.

Me: baby

Justin: yeah

Me: umm Nash kissed me by accident

Justin: I'm gonna kill him

Me: no please

Justin: I don't want you with him again

Me: fine I don't want you with them girls

Justin: fine

We went inside and I ran to my kids and hugged them. and then jazzy and Jaxon I went upstairs to room and thought about everything when jacky came in.

Jacky POV

When Justin came he told me him and Arian aren't getting a divorce I'm happy for them they do love each other it's hard cause they are put on the spot to look like a perfect couple when there not like they have there fight and they do they are like every other couple in the world it's just that everything is different but there made for each you can tell when your near them they love each other but people only focus when they are mad at each other. So that gets me mad for them like Justin honestly will do anything for her.

Me: Justin

Justin: yep

Me: so what your gonna do

Justin: we'll I'm going to "go on tour" for 6 months

Me: oh

Justin: yeah I leave tomorrow I'm going to take the kids

Me: okay you know ari isn't gonna like it

Ariana POV

Jacky: hey

Me: hey

Jacky: what's up

Me: I think Justin was right I think it's time for a divorce

Jacky: what

Me: it's time like it's for the best that we beak up and get a divorce

I went downstairs to See Justin and when he saw me knew something was up with me when I  looked down at the floor and not at him.

Justin: what's up

Me: your right

Justin: about

Me: it's time we get a divorce

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