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Justin POV

Lately Ariana been all over the news everyone been wondering if we got a divorce or something. I went on Twitter to see tmz tagged me. It was about Ariana Nash and the kids having a water balloon fight. I went and tweeted @justinbieber I love you to death baby I don't care what anyone says your the best thing that could ever happen to me. @justinbieber this happen for a reason and being here with you guys is the best thing that could ever happen love you. Then shortly after Ariana posted something. @arianagrande things happen and maybe this was ment to be maybe my life was ment to be like this. @justinbieber I love you and nothing will ever change life is better with you @justinbieber #belieber you make me smile when I'm down I love you guys forever and nothing with change your apart of me @justinbieber i love all my belieber you'd been there for me through everything. Then I started looking at some tweets that beliebers sent me. @-JasonMcCann- no matter what happens I'll alway stay by your side. I smiled reading that tweet then there was another one that made me smile. @iwouldkidnapjustin I love you too I love watching you grow to be a better person and it's such amazing thin to watch. I smiled and dm them but I dm @-JasonMcCann-

Me: hey

-JasonMcCann- omg your texting me

Me: yeah what your name

-JasonMcCann- (her name)

Me: okay so how about you and two friends come down and meet me

-JasonMcCann- yes

I smile and I did the same with iwouldkidnapjustin . So after that I called Ariana to her jacky pick it up.

Jacky: hello

Me: hey baby

Jacky: hey daddy

Me: hey baby

Ariana: Justin

Me: ari baby where are you

Ariana: hospital

Me: are you and the kids okay

Ariana: yeah Alex got hurt

Me: I'm on my way

Ariana okay

Ariana POV

I heard jacky talking on my phone so I took it from her and before I did I heard her say daddy

Me: Justin

Justin: ari baby where are you

Me: hospital

Justin: are you and the kids okay

Me: yeah Alex got hurt

Me: I'm on my way

Me: okay

I looked at Alex holding his hand

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