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Ariana POV

Justin ex girlfriend Caitlin Beadles and I fought over the gun she try to shoot me but I ducked and all I heard was lbang bang bang she shot Jennifer I took the gun and shot her in the leg 3 times each leg then I shot her in the arms so she can be in pain then the heart. I went to Jennifer and feed her my blood.

Me: it's alright baby everything alright just drink

And that's what Jennifer did she drank and drank my blood until she was okay. I help Justin out when I heard a deep voice. I remember that deep voice but how he's my past he's my ex what is he doing here. We haven't talked in forever why is he here what doesn't he want we dated for a year. He walked forward and I pointed the gun at him. I will do anything to protect my family and if it means killing someone I will. But why is he working with Caitlin Beadles what could she offer him. And why's does he want to back at me and Justin for.

Me: what does you want i haven't seen you in so long

Mac: I told you I love you and I always will and if I get him out the way your mine forever

Jessa when behind him and tried to shot him but hd turned her around and pointed the gun at her

Mac: if I can't have you I'll just rap her

Mac took off and I told the girls to find them and they did the found out we're they were I was so happy I rushed to them and took knife and threw them. I hit Mac a few time I went and ripped out his heart and said don't mess with me ibe changed since I've been with you. I looked at Jessa.

Me: are you okay did he hurt you

Jessa: yeah I'm okay mom and he didn't he was gonna

Me: I'm sorry baby

Jessa: mom it's okay

I kissed Jessa forehead and said I love you and hugged her. I went downstairs to Justin and hugged him.

Justin: I love you

Me: I love you too

Justin: is this really our life

Me: yeah but I would treated it for anything in the world

I kissed Justin on the kissed and he kissed me back and said me too.

Me: we've been through a lot

Justin: yeah but hey I get to have you and a beautiful family so it was worth it

Me: yeah

I love Justin I mean we've been together since forever and he's honestly the love of my life the mine I'm married the one of the father of my kids my world and honestly I would do anything for him. Him and the kids are the reason I wake up with a smile on my face. Justin my Bestfriend I mean we've been through everything I've been kidnap almost rapped and more and he stayed by my side through it all and I stayed by his through it all. I honestly don't know what I would do without him. Looking back at everything that happen everything we gave up to be standing here I don't regret one single thing I did even if it was dumb cause I learn from it I learn not to give up if you want anything in life just set your mind to it and push don't forget what your doing it for cause once you forget you don't try as hard and you won't be successful in life. If you would of told me before me and Justin dated when we were Bestfriends that this would happen I would of said no were Bestfriends and you're crazy but its not crazy nothing close to crazy I call it love and you will know love when it happens. Justin came up to me and wrapped his hands around my waist and let me tell you I've been to Canada, United States, Colombia, France, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Algeria, Romania, Germany, United Kingdom, Israel, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Ireland, China, Myanmar, India, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Serbia, Bosnia and Herz, Denmark, and Belize but there's no place like being in Justin's arm. Anyways Justin kissed my cheek as the cops came and when they came the took mine Justin Jordyn Jessa and Jennifer statement and we all said we came here to look for a friend and we just saw him on the floor with his heart ripped out. The officer said were free to go and we fell asleep on the plane ride about 20 minute before we landed Justin woke me up and kissed my forehead. He left me for a few minutes to wake up the girls. He came back and sat down. I started think how did I get so lucky with him. Justin looked at me and said what you thinking about baby girl.

Me: I was think about how did I get so lucky and marry you

Justin: I wonder the same about you

Me: awww

Justin looked into my eyes and kissed me. Me and Justin held hand until the plane stop. It was 10 pm me Justin and the girls went home to see the whole family and when i say the whole family I mean jazzy, Stephen, Marie, Stephen jr, Pattie (there 3 kids), rose, Brent, Jaxon, Demi, Justin jr, Yoventura, Jacky, Nash, Nash Jr., Juliana, Alex, Justin, Jackie, Damon, Matthew, Matthew Jr., Charlie, James, Becky G, Jasmine, Austin, Jason, Madison, Jay, Miley, Jacob, Rachel, Ciara, Jessica, Ray, Jenna, Destorm, Liane, Trayvion, Zendaya, Pattie, Mario, Mario Jr, Kelly, Gia, Dominic, Alfredo, Jennifer, Wubzzy, Scooter, Yael, JJ, beyonce, Channing, Blu, Jordan, Chris Brown, Stephanie, Carlos, Usher, Sophie, Drake, Marie, Royce, Madison, Jake T, jake, Josh, John, Johnny, Joseph where on the beach wait for us and having a cook out.

Usher: where were you

Me: he had a little problem

Usher: when don't you guys

Me: I know

Usher: you guys want some food

Me: no I'm good

Jordyn: yeah me too

Jessa: not hurry

Jennifer: yeah can I have some

We were all sharing life experience and stuff. Jennifer stood up and said I have something to say.

Me: what baby

Jennifer: Matthew he is having a little brother

Me: really

Jennifer: yeah

Matthew kissed Jennifer cheek as he rubbed her stomach. There so cute i mean she's having the kids young but I'm cool with it cause I know Matthew loves her and will do anything for her so I'm cool with it. Anyways we all sat down and watch the sky. It was beautiful but then there was a shooting start. I closed my eyes and said thank you God for blessing me with this amazing life amazing family and friend and I will never take it for granted. I open my eyes to see Justin looking at me. I looked back at gina dm kissed him. But where would I be if I didn't believe. Would I still be standing her but what if I gave up in us what would of happen. But I did believe and didn't give up in us. But yeah this is my family not all are blood but we are a family. jazzy, Stephen, Marie, Stephen jr, Pattie, rose, Brent, Jaxon, Demi, Justin jr, Yoventura, Jacky, Nash, Nash Jr., Juliana, Alex, Justin, Jackie, Damon, Jordyn, Matthew, Jennifer, Matthew Jr., Jessa, Charlie, James, Becky G, Jasmine, Austin, Jason, Madison, Jay, Miley, Jacob, Rachel, Ciara, Jessica, Ray, Jenna, Destorm, Liane, Trayvion, Zendaya, Pattie, Mario, Mario Jr, Kelly, Gia, Dominic, Alfredo, Jennifer, Wubzzy, Scooter, Yael, JJ, beyonce, Channing, Blu, Jordan, Chris Brown, Stephanie, Carlos, Usher, Sophie, Drake, Marie, Royce, Madison, Jake T, jake, Josh, John, Johnny, Joseph, Justin and me. My family is big but it doesn't matter people who you love make la them your family blood doesn't matter. I mean you can have blood that's not family and family that's not blood. You don't deep people to be blood to call them family you need people who are there for you and will do anything for you and you would do anything for them and their, there for you through your up and downs your good days and bad. That's the real definition of family not no other bs anyone else say it's what you feel about them and how much would you risk for them would you rush dying for them or while you just say your worth dying but don't do it. But yeah anyways these are the people I would risk my life for to keep them safe there my family and I love them all to death. That's the story of the Jariana and Bieber family and me Justin's and the rest of the family goodbye and we love you all.

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