New Years

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Justin P.O.V

We have 2 hours until New Years Me, Ari, my mom, my dad, my brother, my siter, my grandparents,Joe, and more. Me and Ari were dancing All that matter by me like I never thought I would ever dance to my own song so I was pretty happy about it. I asked Ari if she wanted something to eat she said yes we went to the kitchen and got some food. While I was eating I saw Jazzy I went I stood up while Jazzy jumped into my arms.

Me: whose my favorite girl

Jazzy: me

Me: yea you who else would it be

I went and started tickling her then I put her down and grabbed Jaxson and started tickling him too. I went gave him a kiss and put him down and gave and dad big hug I haven't seen him for while so I want to have fun and catch up with each other.

Me: dad me and Ariana are dating

Dad: congratulation you too

Ariana: thank you Jeremy

Dad: your welcome Justin I will be right back I need to find Jazzy and Jaxson or else Jaxson will hit on a girl and Jazzy she will be with Pattie

Me: okay

I went through away mine and Ariana's plate away and brought her to the living room where we were dancing and singing and just be normal as possible. It's almost time that the clock strikes 12. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!. I went and turned to Ariana and gave a passionate kiss. She smile and kiss me back then I heard Bieber it get down Ariiiiiiii. When we finished I gave Chaz a hug and introduce him and Ariana to each other. Then I went gave my mom a hug and told her I love her then my dad my littler brother and my little sister. Everyone danced until 3 in the morning

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