Ariana Surprise

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Ariana POV

I went home laid down and took a nap while the boys did whatever they wanted to. I had a weird dream though like I was watch this kid but he wasn't mind I thought he was mind but I look at him and I knew he wasn't mine. So I walked  around the house looking for someone but no one was here. Then I woke up and saw some lady and a girl and a boy with James Justin and Alfredo.

Me: Justin James Alfredo who are these people

James: umm Ariana this is your mom mom this is your daughter Ariana

Me: wait my mom is dead my dad is dead okay she is not my mother

Lady: Ariana I gave birth to you and your brother 21 years ago I am your mother

Me: but my mom dead

Lady: here your birth certificate what happen to yours when you were younger

Me: my mom said she lost it

Lady: up and down the hill

Me: my mom was holding my hand swinging round and round

Lady: until the sun goes to sleep

Me: mom

Mom: baby

Me: oh my god why weren't you there for me

Mom: well when you and James were born you guys are twin and umm a werewolf and its rare to have twin werewolf cause they always come out evil so when I gave birth to you guys you dad family and my family had a war with a bunch of wolfs and I took you and James pretty far but I stamped your neck with a paw print so if James were to come near you you were to become a wolf and plus I would be able to tell if you are my baby so I went knocked on the door and went back home praying you were gonna be fine

Me: wow

Mom: well you know James but here you little sister and little brother

Me: hey

Mom: her name is Chantal she's 8

Chantal: hey

Me: she looks just like me

Mom: when you have your first girl and boy the next girl or boy will look like a little them

Me: wow

Mom: and this is Luke he's 6

Me: hey buddy

Luke: hey Ariana

Mom: and you have another sister

Me: what you gonna name her

Mom: well you pick

Me: Bella

Mom: I love it

Me: when your gonna give birth

Mom: next month

Me: you don't even look pregnant

Mom: baby we get small belly's

Me: wow

James: how do you feel

Me: I'm happy but yet lost

James: well sis we are super rare we are the first vampire werewolf twins ever

Me: wow wait what's my name

James: Ariana

Me: my last name

James: Lopez but you can choose grande or lopez

Me: okay wow wait am I white

James: nope

Me: what

James: we are Puerto Rican and white

Me: okay

Justin: baby I love you more you can be black baby I love you for you

Me: awwwe I love you too forever

Justin: forever and ever

I went kiss Justin and ran up stairs and threw up.

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